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Why is regular exercise important for your dog?

Updated: Mar 6, 2020

Exercise is just as important for dogs as it is for their best friends- us! It helps them stay healthy- mentally as well as physical. It helps prevent obesity which then brings it's own health problems. I say, mentally it's more important. Owning Beagles, I know I have to take them out, keep them stimulated, otherwise a whole lot of other behavioural issues arise. I learnt this the hard way, I was single, just me and Baxter, and I had to go into hospital and rest after. It literally was only for 24 hours, I thought he would be ok. No, he chewed everything, barked. I could see straight away how unhappy he was. So I hired a dog walker and it was like a different dog came home. Theres the Baxter I know and love!

Walking dogs, even in old age is beneficial for them. It helps the aging process, keeps them moving. The amount of exercise does however, depend on the dog. As mentioned, I now have 2 beagles, 3 years apart. I know age comes into the equation, but Bonnie (the younger one) is a lot more active than Baxter ever was. I thought Baxter was full of beans! Bonnie's exercise requirements differ from Baxters, just like us, so that's ok. I meet their needs. Its helpful to have a dog Walker who understands that each dog has different exercise needs. Not just how long, but where they are best to be walked, with others? Or is solo better. A happy dog is a happy owner, as dog owners we only want the best for them. Keeping them fit and healthy can just be as easy as taking them out for some fresh air.

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